Not sure what happened to my previous comment. Ah well, if at first you don't succeed...
Beautiful footage.
I used to keep bees. One of my big loves. If left alone to forage they get on with their lives in relative perfect harmony - so there's little to fear (from the European Apis mellifera, anyway). But of course, certain fears are there for a reason...
Was reading this the other day and sure hope they don't get to the UK. The bees here are already struggling.
But the Asian predatory wasp (vespa velutina) seems like a pussy cat compared to Vespa mandarinia, the Asian Giant Hornet. Oh my.
I never know what to write in these things. I am currently a student at Houghton College. I recently changed my major to communications which will concentrate on film. Someday I want to use my gifts in ministry although I don't know what that looks like right now. I edit a lot of video for various things. I am on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Houghton which is the redeeming factor in me not being a total nerd. I work at a club in Rochester running monitors. Yup thats me-my favorite thing to do tho is sit around and have great conversations.
Not sure what happened to my previous comment. Ah well, if at first you don't succeed...
Beautiful footage.
I used to keep bees. One of my big loves. If left alone to forage they get on with their lives in relative perfect harmony - so there's little to fear (from the European Apis mellifera, anyway). But of course, certain fears are there for a reason...
Was reading this the other day and sure hope they don't get to the UK. The bees here are already struggling.
But the Asian predatory wasp (vespa velutina) seems like a pussy cat compared to Vespa mandarinia, the Asian Giant Hornet. Oh my.
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